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Justin Siegel
Untitled (0621-20)
5.5 x 11 x 7 in
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Untitled (0621-19)
7 x 6 x 5 in
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
Untitled (0621-18)
6 x 5 x 7 in
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Untitled (0621-15)
5.5 x 7 x 7 in
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Untitled (0621-13)
6 x 5 x 5 in
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
Untitled (0621-09)
5 x 7 x 6.5 in
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Untitled (0424-07)
12 x 7 x 9 in
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
Untitled (0424-04)
13 x 10 x 8 in
Clay , glass, underglaze
Untitled (0424-03)
14 x 10 x 9 in
Clay , glass, underglaze
Untitled (0424-01)
Ceramic pottery
8 x 14 x 3 in
Clay, underglaze, glass
Untitled ( 0621-14 )
Untitled (0424-09)
17 x 10 x 9 in
Ceramic pottery and glass
Untitled (0424-08)
17 x 9 x 10 in
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
Untitled (0424-06)
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
Untitled (0424-05)
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Untitled (0424-02)
Ceramic pottery and undeglaze
Ceramic pottery , underglaze and glass
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