Created originally for the 13Forest show, As Luck Would Have It, this work reflects research and interpretations on luck. The concept of "luck" is an intriguing one, and since my interest lies in visual narratives that feature animals, plants, and humans, often blended together in a magical, folkloric construct, "luck" could indeed be explored in this context. I like to imagine and re-envision different ways of seeing and pondering alternative realities--often from the animal's point of view. The lore of the "lucky rabbit's foot" kept coming to mind. It appears that what is a horrendous act of cruelty to the rabbit (and not so lucky for them) is also rooted in folklore. I wanted to know what makes a rabbit's foot lucky? What is the history, myth, and superstition around this charm? I found images of iron Victorian rabbit foot holders and took into account the various rituals that are said to be necessary to make this token "work" as a lucky charm. A talisman is an object that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck, but aren't the rabbits themselves already born with these talismans? The painting asks these questions and delves into the relationships between humans and animals through the lens of myth, magic, luck, and compassion.
- Created: June 2023
- Current Location: Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth, ME